Tripsite Travel Blog
Monthly Photo Contest: April
We are excited to announce Beth Dennard as our Monthly Photo Contest winner for April! Beth recently went on our Tulip Tour- 4 Day Netherlands Bike + Barge Tour and had a wonderful time biking and experiencing the tulips in full bloom!
More Than Travel: The Final Days
A fun group photo. I arrived in Frankfurt from Thessaloniki, Greece, and was in immediate culture shock. Stepping out of the train station after a short ride from the airport, I entered a cityscape of skyscrapers!
More Than Travel: Greece
I arrived in Greece last Wednesday, crossing the border from Bulgaria, leaving lingering winter to enter emerging spring. It is now Monday, our last cycling day. It was also the first day of rain. Helios, Greek God of the Sun, has been pleased with us! We are a group of five.
More Than Travel: Eyes Wide Open
I arrived in the rain to Bulgaria's capital of Sofia and to be honest, drab was my first impression but not just because of the dreary overcast. The skyline I saw as we skirted the city was of a Soviet influenced gray and I thought of stereotypical communist austerity and uniformity.
More Than Travel
"Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living." - Mary Ritter Beard … Mary's Blog … When I was just a kid, I heard about my cousin's studies in Spain. I was only 7 or so and knew that I too wanted to travel.
Q&A With Author Steve Garufi
We recently had the opportunity to connect with Steve Garufi, bicyclist and author of "Under a Triumphant Sky, a Bike Across America Story." Steve is an avid bicyclist and traveler who has biked across the United States twice! Q: Tell me a little bit about yourself. How did you get into biking? A:
Photo Friday: Emily Hull-Parsons
This week's Photo Friday includes some great pictures from our friend, Emily Hull-Parsons. Emily is a Nonprofit Management Consultant living in Monterey, CA. She enjoys hiking, biking, golf, painting and most of all meeting new people and seeing new places.
Photo Friday: Dave and Jeanne Sampel
This week's Photo Friday highlights some great shots by Dave and Jeanne Sampel taken on our Mallorca Bike Tour. We had the opportunity to ask Dave and Jeanne some questions about their experience. Read on! (Above: Dave, Jeanne and friends roadside) Why did you choose to go on a bike tour?
San Francisco - Jan’s Golden Gate Bridge Bike Ride
I've lost count how many times I've done the bike ride shown below but it occured to me that I've never really documented it. As such, it would seem remiss to not make a pictorial blog post showing one of my favorite rides in the world.
Photo Friday: Tim Manning
We are excited to announce a new column highlighting the beauty, adventure, and inspiration of bicycle travel through photography, as seen through the lens of Tripsite Friends! This week features some great shots by Tim Manning. Tim snapped these gems while biking through Burma.
A postcard from Myanmar - Hennie’s last update from Asia.
It's not often you get one of these in the mail. Looks like this postcard made its way to San Francisco in about 3 1/2 weeks. Thanks, Mom!
Update from Hennie in Hong Kong
When I arrived in Hong Kong on Monday, all I wanted was to go home. But I had only one day in Hong Kong. I have never been one that enjoyed figuring things out in a big city and definitely not a subway system. It is not that complicated but it is just not my thing.