Shikoku Island: Coastal Charm of Southwest Japan

Japan Bike Tours

Stunning Shikoku - A Guided Bike Tour through the Land of the Rising Sun

Brenda G.
5 months ago

Verified Reviewer

This tour is a.m.a.z.i.n.g. The rides offer expansive views, a good number of rolling hills, and the paths up to the bridges seemed to always be set at 3% gradient, they curved and whined up the hill, and the roads are impeccable. Not a single pot hole or crack, smooth and wide and often very little traffic. Service is impeccable! One thing Japan does not lack is the attention to detail. I love Japan.... the culture, the people, the cuisine I would HIGHLY recommend this tour.

Brenda G.
5 months ago

Verified Reviewer

This tour is a.m.a.z.i.n.g. The rides offer expansive views, a good number of rolling hills, and the paths up to the bridges seemed to always be set at 3% gradient, they curved and whined up the hill, and the roads are impeccable. Not a single pot hole or crack, smooth and wide and often very little traffic. Service is impeccable! One thing Japan does not lack is the attention to detail. I love Japan.... the culture, the people, the cuisine I would HIGHLY recommend this tour.

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