Paris to London

France, England Bike Tours

Paris, London, and in between on the Greenway

Jeffrey A.
5 years ago

Verified Reviewer

Antonenella, our guide was awesome, as was our two helpers! We loved riding through the countryside of both France and England, it was so beautiful. This trip is highly recommended. Our group was made up of 16 people from different countries, so it made for a fun group. If you are not used to biking up hills, we recommend renting the e-bikes, because they really make this trip wonderful. There is time to enjoy the sites and sounds around you. Half our group wore biking shorts and the other half wore shorts and t-shirts. American tennis shoes are fine. Bring a padded seat cover and padded shorts, because it will help a lot. We all met for dinner each night, so bring a few nicer clothes. Bikers are provided with one small pack wit maps per couple, that attaches to handle bars. I put sanitizer, gum, money and my phone in the pack. Everyone is provided with a side pack to go on their bike. We put an extra bottle of water, lunch and jackets in the bags. Make sure you have a phone that works Read More

Julie S
6 years ago

Verified Reviewer

Denne turen var helt fantastisk! De som står for service og transport av bagasje er helt supre og veldig hyggelige mennesker. Ved bruk av en egen app, går turen som en lek! I de større byene er det lett å navigere seg frem og kjempe fint landskap å sykle i. Kan anbefale denne turen til alle! :)

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