Danube Bike Path - Regensburg to Vienna

Germany, Austria Bike Tours

Cycling the Danube bike path to the European music center Vienna!

Kathryn A.
9 months ago

Verified Reviewer

We really enjoyed cycling along the Danube. The nine days went by quickly and some of the overnight stay locations were in such interesting towns that we explored in the evening. Although it is rated "Easy", be prepared for some days of cycling into strong headwinds and a few days of 65-70 km of cycling. Accommodations were very good and the breakfasts provided set us up for the ride. The GPX tracks were sometimes out of sync with the printed tour book on the portion of the trip in Germany. In a few locations the tracks shown did not exist, or were out-of-date due to new construction. This tour would benefit from an option to stay an extra day in one of the towns to provide a cycling break as well as an opportunity to explore, e.g. Linz.

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