Around Lake Constance

Austria, Germany, Switzerland Bike Tours

A three country Lake Constance cycle tour around the beautiful Bodensee

Jill N.
5 months ago

Verified Reviewer

This trip allows you to immerse into the sites and scenery. Our after look strolling Stein am Rhein was like sneaking into a fairytale storybook. These are places you only imagine exist in history, and they are so beautifully preserved for us to enjoy.

We loved sitting at Hotel Reutemann and having an afternoon glass of wine at the Insel Lindau port (casually noticing Rapunzel’s golden hair hang down the tower window in the main square).

In Bregenz we watched the sunset from the Seepromenade before going for our dinner further down the seawall. In the morning we took the Pfanderbahn/Cable Car up Phander Mountain where the view was magnificent, and rode our bikes down (if you arrive before 10 am your bike travels up free).

Our favourite meal was at a German Restaurant called the Constanzer Wirtshaus in Konstance.

Hotel Waldhaus Jacob in Konstance and Hotel Messmer in Berganz were luxurious places to land after a day of riding.

I also want to note Read More

5 months ago

Verified Reviewer

"Pedalamos por 8 dias incríveis, de 11 a 18 de setembro! A organização do passeio foi simplesmente sensacional, superando todas as nossas expectativas. Mesmo com o tempo meio fechado e fresquinho, o lago e as cidades que visitamos estavam lindos! As ciclovias eram ótimas, bem sinalizadas e seguras. Foi a primeira de muitas aventuras de bike que já estamos planejando! Uma viagem de férias completamente diferente e com experiências incríveis! Vale muito a pena, super recomendo!" Nila, Blumenau/SC - Brasil.

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