Northern Burgundy E-Bike & Boat

France Bike + Boat Tours

Bike and barge tour in the Northern Burgundy region of France

anne and jerry a.
6 months ago

Verified Reviewer

Most memorable was the bike riding on e-bikes and the fun we had with the other people.
Suggestions: - more shelves in the rooms on the boat, more chicken and French food included in the menus, more bike routes that were not in traffic .
Also, more cold cuts available that were not pork- like the ham... more turkey and possibly humus.
Also, it would have been helpful to have mirrors on the bikes... Also, would have liked to know earlier that the route was being changed because of the water level.
Would have liked more information and history on the areas where the boat was docked. Also, it was nice to have a wine tasting - but one was enough- 2 not necessary.

Linda M.
3 years ago

Verified Reviewer

The wonderful guides who helped me, the splendid rides, the friendly stafff

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