Crucero mágico de Navidad por Alemania, a bordo del Merlijn!

Alemania Cruceros

¡Mercados navideños en Alemania como en los viejos tiempos!

Mary kay C.
5 years ago

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Our tour on the Merlijn was a wonderful trip, a great way to get in the Christmas spirit! My favorite part was relaxing on the boat and the delicious meals prepared by our hosts, and visiting all the Christmas markets in the cities along the way.

Kristin P
5 years ago

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What a trip! I felt like it was meant to be since we had just started talking about going on a Xmas market trip just before the email came announcing this maiden voyage. Every stop was memorable. Landschaftspark and getting to see the industrial side of the Rhine was an added bonus to the beautiful Xmas markets. We didn't think we'd want to spend too much time outside while the boat was cruising, but we even had some comfortable cruising time outside. The crew and the other passengers made the trip though. What a great bunch!

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