Tour de Tulipanes - 8 días

Holanda Tours en Bicicleta + Barco

¡Pedalee entre Tulipanes!

Maureen K.
2 days ago

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The guides were very good. Felix and Hetty made every bit of the trip fondly memorable. The Iris offered very nice accommodations—featuring lots of room between the beds, plenty of space to store clothing, and a lovely shower and toilet room. The other staff of the Iris were very good, too, and we enjoyed excellent meals and everything went smoothly. I went on this trip to see the tulips, and they were gorgeous—not just at the Keukenhof, but also at the visit to the bulb garden and along the way just looking at private farms.

Skeeter C.
2 days ago

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Experiencing the Dutch countryside via bike. Loved cycling through the quaint villages. The landscape was breathtaking. This trip certainly exceeded my expectations. The crew of the Allure was awesome.

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